Abstract submission deadline: November 12, 2023
The Abstracts/Extended Abstracts will be accepted only via the Online Submission system.
Presentation Options:
- Oral Presentation at Conference Venue (in Physical Presence)
- Poster Presentation at Conference Venue (in Physical Presence)
- Virtual Presentation (Live online presentation with ZOOM)
Submitting an Abstract
- The maximum word limit for the abstract is between 200 and 250 words.
- Keywords should have 3 -5 words.
- An abstract must be submitted online via the website only. ABSTRACT SUBMITTED BY EMAIL WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
- All submissions must include a structured abstract following the format indicated below: Four sub-headings and their accompanying explanations must be included: Purpose, Design/Methodology, Findings, and Originality.
- Notification of acceptance will be given after the abstract is reviewed and accepted. Then, register for the Conference online via the website.
- Your submission should be submitted in ENGLISH.
- The Meeting code and Zoom link will be sent to you before the conference day.
- Participate in the Conference on December 4-6, 2023.
- A digital certificate will be given to all presenters within two weeks after the conference day.
Submitting a Full Paper for Conference Proceedings (optional)
- The manuscript should contain a minimum of 4,000 words and should not exceed 5,000 words
- The file should be in Microsoft Office (.doc/.docx) format.
- Prospective authors are invited to submit full text papers including abstract, keywords, introduction, methodology, result description, tables, figures, and references.
- Before submitting your paper, please ensure that it has been carefully read for typographical and grammatical errors.
- All full paper submissions will be peer reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical and/or research content/depth, correctness, relevance to Conference, contributions, and readability.
Author(s) Guidelines
- English is the official language of the Conference; the paper should be written and presented in both English.
- Presentation & Publication (Full paper): Full paper is requested if you are also considering publishing your paper in the conference proceedings (optional).
- Oral Presentation Only (Abstract): If you only want to make an oral presentation without a journal publication, you can only submit an Abstract or Extended Abstract.
- Ethical Standards: Articles submitted to the Conference should report original, previously unpublished research findings, experimental or theoretical, and should not be considered for publication elsewhere. We strongly believe that ethical behavior is the most important virtue of any academic. Consequently, any act of plagiarism is completely inappropriate academic misconduct and cannot be tolerated.
Presentation Modes:
- Presenters (ORAL Presentation): Each Presenter will have to prepare preferably not more than ten slides containing one page each for introduction, objectives, and methodology. The rest of the slides will be to discuss the important outputs of the research. The ten slides will most likely run for ten minutes, spending one minute per slide. Each Presenter will get 10 Minutes for their Presentation and 3 Minutes for Q&A Session. For your presentation, you can either use PowerPoint or Prezi, whichever is more convenient for you.
- Poster Presenters (ORAL Presentation): You will be given 10 minutes (maximum) for your poster presentation. Please note that your presentation must be in English language. You can bring your poster printed on the A1 size paper and display it in the Conference, or you can also use PowerPoint, whichever is more convenient to you. You do not need to email us your presentation copies. However, please note that each delegate will be given internet access during the Conference.
- Online Presenters (Live Zoom): Opportunity to do a Live Zoom Presentation at the Conference. Each Presenter will get 10 Minutes for their Presentation and 3 Minutes for Q&A Session.
Poster Guidelines
For Poster presenters for the ANPOR-APCA-FICL Conference, Submit the abstract in the system. The deadline of submission abstracts is November 12, 2023. Once your abstract is accepted, create the poster and save in PNG file format.
The format for the poster is below:
As we have repeated inquiries about the Poster template, please refer below for your information.
- SIZE: In proportion to A4 size, vertical poster
- TEMPLATE: Free form for the poster
Please make sure to include the first author’s NAME, AFFILIATION, and EMAIL ADDRESS.
The link for the uploading of your posters (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1lpfhtrNDYO_lPGet-ITmv4Kqno4vRTe1?usp=sharing) will be sent in the abstract acceptance letter.
The deadline for poster presentation submission is November 19.
The criteria for judging the online posters for the best online poster award is as follows:
- Scientific merit: 60%
- Visual appeal and impact: 10%
- Clarity of communication:10%
- Contribution to society: 10%
- Social media metrics: 5%
- Relevance to conference theme: 5%
The winner of poster presentation will be announced on the second day of the conference: December 6, 2023.